True, very true. I’m feeling much better and have a better perspective on things mostly due to the fact that I’ve gotten a decent night’s sleep for the past two nights. I’m going the natural route, meditation and melatonin. Several years ago I was having trouble sleeping on a regular basis and my doctor gave me Ambien. I don’t ever want to take that again. My son called it legal LSD because I really tripped on that stuff. Once I woke up in the morning to a bed full of graham cracker crumbs. I’d frequently get up and sleep-eat in the middle of the night. I would email or text people, but the letters would be moving on the keyboard so most of it was nonsensical. I finally hid my phone and put something called Google goggles on my gmail account. It required me to perform complex math problems before I was allowed into my email. Easy to do, unless you’re whacked out in Ambien. 🙂
I guess doing crazy things while on Ambien is fairly common. There’s a hilarious blog called Ambien Walrus. Here’s one of my favorite cartoons from the blog:
It’s funny because it’s frighteningly accurate. It was quite common for me to take an Ambien, fall asleep (or whatever that state of Ambien-induced tripping was) and forget that I’d already taken an Ambien, so I’d take another. Yeah, not good.
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