Hepburn was one hell of a smart woman. (Well, except for that whole Spencer Tracy business, but that’s another issue altogether.) She was right about this– just being is fun. Not doing. Being. I’ve spent the bulk of the last two days just being. No to-do lists (although I do love a good list), no itinerary, no commitments, and no “shoulds”. Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel like doing something…or then again, maybe not. 🙂 That’s OK.
Just being is a skill that most adults have to re-learn. As children, we are natural-born experts at just being. At first, I felt guilty at just being. Then I felt anxious. I was certain that I should be doing something . I finally realized that it was OK to just be. No, more than just OK. Necessary. It’s tending to my soul. That makes me a better version of me.
May 25, 2014
This almost makes me cry. It’s so hard to believe in ourselves and that we’re “good company.” Kudos to you for “just being.” 🙂
May 25, 2014
I think that we must be good company to ourselves first before we’re good company to anyone else. That being said, I most definitely think we can just be with someone else. Those rare people that you can just sit with in silence at times and simply enjoy being in that moment are keepers.
May 25, 2014
I’m really good at just being but I sometimes think if it as being lazy. lol But that’s ok with me.
May 25, 2014
Lazy? No way! You’re taking care of yourself. 🙂
Laziness was not an acceptable thing growing up in my WASP-y family. Thank goodness I unlearned that, along with a lot of other things. 😉
I hope you’re having a great lazy day today, Charlotte.