• You Will Drown for Poems

    Tuesday, September 8, 2015 No tags Permalink

    If your notebook packed into a knapsack tumbles
    into the current of a river some October night

    If this notebook’s marbled face reminds you of home, a hand-
    drawn map of tectonic plates, a silt-soaked dock’s attendant moss

    If the words within have ever saved you If they liken love
    to glacial melts, the tides’ claw against rocks

    If they liken faith to waterwings

    And because the river is the Hudson, flecked with sirens Because it chews at the starboard cheek of tugboats and spits at ferries which pass

    Because you think poems are breaths that hands reclaim Because you wish one day
    to speak in tongues Because she should hear you read for her

    Because odes are now also elegies

    Because we cannot know what wake our living leaves
    Because this confluence of muscle and loss Because they float just 10 yards out

    Because you leap the pier’s railing headfirst

    -R.A. Villanueva

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  • Moments

    Thursday, August 20, 2015 No tags Permalink

    That awkward moment when you walk in front of your window in your underwear only to find a construction worker, who is digging up a dead plant, staring right at you from no more a few  feet away. We may have exchanged awkward waves. I just laughed and went on about my business. I don’t take myself too seriously. Above all, life has taught me how important it is to laugh at myself.

    When my son was about three years-old he loved the sandbox. My dad had built a huge one for him at their house. One weekend we were visiting them, and my parents had made a big breakfast for all of us. (My family loves breakfast!) Ian ate his breakfast and wanted to go outside to play in his sandbox but he was still in his pajamas.  My mom told him that he couldn’t go outside in his pjs.  He proceeded to strip off all of his clothes and bolted for the door. My mom just shook her head and said, “He is definitely your son, Lisa.”  Yep, that’s my boy alright.




  • People/Things

    Wednesday, August 5, 2015 No tags Permalink

    People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.

    -Emmanuel Torres

    One of the greatest  things taught to me by my parents and grandparents is to value people and experiences over things.  I was fortunate to have lived very close to my grandparents so I spent lots of time with them. In the years before I began school, I’d go over to their house every day. I was especially close to my grandfather. He would spend the day with me outside, showing me his garden, the vegetables, and especially his flowers. It’s from him that I got my love of flowers.

    I’d spend evenings and weekends with my maternal grandmother. She’d pop us a big bowl of popcorn and we’d listen to her old Big Band records on her console stereo or watch old movies. She had 17 grandchildren, but she always made each one of us feel very special and so loved.

    They gave me the greatest gifts of all: their time, love, and attention.


  • Lessons {Poetry}

    Tuesday, July 7, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Leave if your love hurts you.

    Leave if it is always more pain than it is joy.

    Contrary to what they’ll tell you,

    Love does not make the world spin around.

    You can want someone, baby.

    You can want them until you’re raw.

    That kind of longing can turn you into water after a live wire has been thrown into it.

    It can turn you into the hand holding that wire,

    But that doesn’t mean it’s right.

    It doesn’t mean you should stay.

    Don’t hang round just because you’re scared that you’ll never feel that kind of electricity again.

    It’s not true, it never was.

    The thing is, you were made to be touched by hands,

    Attached to a body that finds itself at rest when it’s with you.

    That finds itself quietly trembling when you’re together.

    Those hands need to come with gentle words and an honest mouth.

    A mouth that says your name in a way that sounds like the very definition of “falling.”

    So don’t take less than that.

    Don’t take half of that.

    Above all, if it hurts, go.

    You’ll fall in love so many times that you’ll lose count and it’ll shake you.

    Tiny vibrations like tectonic plates with every stranger who you looked into the eyes and made your body feel new.

    Find a love that makes you feel new, and better.

    Always like you’re moving and staying still at the exact same time.

    Grow, expand, and if it hurts, leave.

    -Azra T.

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  • For Claudia, Against Narrowness {Poetry)

    Tuesday, May 26, 2015 No tags Permalink

    “Narrowing life because of the fears,
    narrowing it between the dust motes,
    narrowing the pink baby
    between the green-limbed monsters,
    & the drooling idiots,
    & the ghosts of the Thalidomide infants,
    narrowing hope,
    always narrowing hope.
    Mother sits on one shoulder hissing:
    Life is dangerous.
    Father sits on the other sighing:
    Lucky you.
    Grandmother, grandfather, big sister:
    You’ll die if you leave us,
    you’ll die if you ever leave us.

    Sweetheart, baby sister,
    you’ll die anyway
    & so will I.
    Even if you walk the wide greensward,
    even if you
    & your beautiful big belly
    embrace the world of men & trees,
    even if you moan with pleasure,
    & smoke the sweet grass
    & feast on strawberries in bed,
    you’ll die anyway—
    wide or narrow,
    you’re going to die.

    As long as you’re at it,
    die wide.
    Follow your belly to the green pasture.
    Lie down in the sun’s dapple.
    Life is not as dangerous
    as mother said.
    It is more dangerous,
    more wide.”
    – Erica Jong

    This poem always makes me think of my baby sister. I know she lived wide. I think, in her own way, she died wide too.

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  • Sunday, May 3, 2015 No tags Permalink

    “You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness” ~ Jonathan Safran Foer


    image image image
    Just look at those faces! Pure bliss. I miss having a dog and being witness to the way they fully embrace the very moment. My dog died two and a half years ago. I tell myself that I haven’t gotten another dog because I don’t want the work or commitment that’s involved, but the truth is that I can’t bear the heartache that comes with loving them and then losing them. I like to think that I’m so tough, but I’m secretly the biggest softie ever.

    My son and our dog. These two were inseparable. She even slept in his bed, under the covers. Some mornings when I’d come into his bedroom to make sure he was awake to go to school, I’d find them both crashed out with their heads next to each other on the pillow.

  • To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

    Sunday, April 19, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Sometimes I go for days, even weeks, without remembering my dreams.  Last night was not one of those nights.  No, last night was full of extremely vivid dreams.  I don’t have nightmares, but last night’s dreams left me feeling unsettled.  One of them was about my younger sister in which she was about the age that she was in the photo above.  She’s the short one next to me.  On the other side of her is my older sister.  Dreams are strange things.

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  • And Then This Happened

    Tuesday, April 14, 2015 No tags Permalink

    Apple watch

    My text conversation with my son. What I love the most is that he actually believed that I made a watch out of an apple. I’m not sure what that says about me. Maybe I have mad skills? 😉

    I’ve ve been feeling down and out lately and desperately needed a laugh. I knew he’d get my sense of humor because we share that same slightly off kilter view.

  • Two Things

    Wednesday, April 1, 2015 No tags Permalink

    Today I know two things to be true:

    stop wearing black

    I love wearing black. Looks good in the winter (and spring, and fall) when I’m pale white, and looks good in the summer when I’m (somewhat) tan. My mother does not like me to wear black and often says that I’d look so pretty, if only I’d wear a color sometimes. 😉


    Shakira may have said hips don’t lie, but Edith was right about the hands. My eyes are always drawn to a beautiful pair of hands.

    When I was young I remember one of my friends asking me what was wrong with my dad’s hand. I told her that nothing was wrong. Years before I was even born, 3 of the fingers on his right hand were blown off in an accident. Of course, I consciously knew that he only had a pinky and ring finger, but I never gave it much thought. He could do everything that someone with ten fingers could do, and then some. If I had a knot in a delicate gold chain or a splinter in my foot, I’d go right to daddy. Without ever saying a word, he showed me everyday that through persistence, effort, and a lot of hard work, you can overcome just about anything. As an adult, that has served me so well.

  • Random Ramblings

    Saturday, February 14, 2015 No tags Permalink

    3 sibs

    Today is my brother’s birthday. We’re both February babies, but I’m seven years younger. My sister looks just like my mom, my brother looks just like my dad and I look like….the milkman?  😉  In truth, I look like a mashup of my grandfathers.  Although you can’t tell in this photo, both my brother and sister have brown eyes.  My dad has blue eyes, my mom brown.  I have green.  No one else in my extended family has green eyes.  I remember when we learned about eye color in school and the teacher said that green eyes are a mutation.  I got nicknamed  “mutant” for a few years.  Nice!  Genetics  really are fascinating.

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  • Oranges and Mittens

    Friday, December 19, 2014 No tags Permalink

    When I was growing up there was always an orange in the toe of my Christmas stocking. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I found out why. My dad was born during the Great Depression. When he was very young, his family didn’t have a lot of money. Before my grandfather married my grandmother, he immigrated from Denmark.  He was the oldest of 7 children, so he came over first and then he worked to pay for safe passage for his 6 younger siblings and his mother. Because they didn’t have much money, gifts were few and far between. Each Christmas, my dad and his three brothers we get a few oranges, a new pair of wool mittens, and one other gift like a football or a pocketknife. Oranges were a rare and special treat to them. So…oranges in my Christmas stocking, and when my son was growing up, there was always an orange in his stocking too

    Today I can walk into any grocery store and buy a big bag of fresh oranges, and I do. I eat one just about every morning in wintertime.  I try to take my time, peeling the orange slowly, savoring the taste. Most of all, I think of my dad and my grandparents. It’s a good way to keep me mindful and appreciative.

    Im not really feeling the Christmas spirit this year. I didn’t even put up a tree. My family is still struggling with the loss of my sister. My son and I are spending a few days over Christmas with my parents, cooking for them, baking cookies, and acting as a general distraction (I hope).  I’ll go to the Christmas Eve church service with my mom and I’ll make Christmas dinner. I can tell yiu what we’re not having: ham. Those of you who’ve known me for years are well aware of my great detest of ham. Because I hate it so much, as a kid I came up with this logic as to why we should not have ham at Christmas and Easter: these holidays were meant to celebrate Jesus and Jesus was a Jew and Jews don’t eat pork so therefore, we shouldn’t have ham. Hey, I tried! You can see how I exasperated my mother when I was a child. She always said I think too much. I probably do.

    Christmas 1970


    My my big brother and me, Christmas 1970

  • Darkness

    Thursday, December 18, 2014 No tags Permalink

    “Dark matter is needed to hold galaxies together. Your mind is a Galaxy. More dark than light. But the light makes it worthwhile.”
    -Matt Haig, The Humans


    Black hole

    M60-UCD1 black hole, via NASA

    Seriously, how cool is that?

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  • Impermanence

    Friday, November 21, 2014 No tags Permalink


    “You will lose everything. Your money, your power, your fame, your success, perhaps even your memories. Your looks will go. Loved ones will die. Your body will fall apart. Everything that seems permanent is impermanent and will be smashed. Experience will gradually, or not so gradually, strip away everything that it can strip away. Waking up means facing this reality with open eyes and no longer turning away.

    But right now, we stand on sacred and holy ground, for that which will be lost has not yet been lost, and realizing this is the key to unspeakable joy. Whoever or whatever is in your life right now has not yet been taken away from you. This may sound trivial, obvious, like nothing, but really it is the key to everything, the why and how and wherefore of existence. Impermanence has already rendered everything and everyone around you so deeply holy and significant and worthy of your heartbreaking gratitude. Loss has already transfigured your life into an altar.” -Jeff Foster


    I first came across this over a week ago and bookmarked it for safe keeping  I knew I’d want to come back and read it.  Little did I know just how much I’d need to re-read that this week.

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  • She Is Gone {Poetry}

    Tuesday, November 18, 2014 No tags Permalink

    You can shed tears that she is gone
    Or you can smile because she has lived

    You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
    Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left

    Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
    Or you can be full of the love that you shared

    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
    Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

    You can remember her and only that she is gone
    Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on

    You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
    Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

    -David Harkins



    Rest in peace, baby sister. As Forrest Gump would say, “That’s all I have to say about that”.

  • Throwback Thursday

    Thursday, October 23, 2014 No tags Permalink


    Twenty-two years ago, this week. The first time I saw my baby boy, I remember thinking to myself, “Wow! Are my genes ever recessive!” With a head full of black hair and that tan skin, he looked nothing like me. But, like most children, he changed a lot as he grew.

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  • Apple Crisp With Love

    Monday, October 6, 2014 No tags Permalink

    Apple Crisp

    Yes, I did get my apple crisp made, and yes, I ate it all. OK, I did have some help. Let me tell you, it was delicious. I don’t eat sweets very often, but this hit this spot as it was cold and dreary here this weekend. I got this recipe from my dad several years ago. Yes, my dad bakes. He makes bread from scratch and really delicious scones too.

    This weekend was my dad’s 75th birthday. He grew up in the 40s and 50s, but he and his three brothers were all taught how to cook and sew by his mother. Quite progressive for that time. She always said that everyone needs to eat, and everyone loses a button, so you’d better be prepared to take care of both of those things yourself. (She was a very practical woman.) But dad is also an Eagle Scout and was a serious outdoors man for most of his life. When I was growing up, I thought he could do anything. Dad is a big guy, tall and broad-shouldered, and the guys I dated in high school were usually somewhat afraid of him. (I think that was intentional on my dad’s part!) That always made me laugh, because I know that my dad is a big teddy bear with a soft heart.

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