Civil War {To those who need it the most}
is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea
This morning I wrote your name in the steam on my mirror, even though I knew it would fade within minutes
In my best notebook I wrote “I miss you” ten thousand times.
I wrote “I think I am missing one of my ribs”
I wrote “I envy the way leaves know exactly when to fall from the branches and when to come back in the spring”
I wrote “Everyone else isn’t you. It turns out that’s a huge problem for me.”
-Clementine Von Radics
Not anyone who says, “I’m going to be
careful and smart in matters of love,”
who says, “I’m going to choose slowly,”
but only those lovers who didn’t choose at all
but were, as it were, chosen
by something invisible and powerful and uncontrollable
and beautiful and possibly even
unsuitable —
only those know what I’m talking about
in this talking about love.-Mary Oliver
So you see yourself as a revolving door:
a place people keep passing through
but never want to stay.
You get used to the idea of impermanence–
never fall in love without an exit strategy,
a way to untangle your heart
when they leave you.
(And they always leave you.
That part, at least,
is constant.)
When you become, instead, a dead end,
a back alley, a Do Not Enter,
they want to know why you are suddenly
You show them hands calloused
from all this giving–
ask if they have ever loved
a day in their life, ask
why everything you had was
never enough to satisfy.
Trouble is, you see yourself as a peace offering:
a willing body meant to keep the quiet
And you throw yourself at every open mouth.
So your method of coping looks more like
taking your body to market
just to see who’s willing to buy it.
This is how you give yourself up in pieces, but
never notice what you’re missing.
It’s how you use sex as just
another way to hurt yourself.
How you become nameless in the face
of all the things you want in parts and pieces
but refuse to accept in full.
Love becomes a fairy tale that scares you.
Kisses, safe only in small doses–it’s dangerous
to get attached to the things that never
want you.
Or worse,
the ones who want to keep you:
like an animal, like a trophy, like
bragging rights.
When all you’ve ever wanted is somebody
who would keep you
like a promise.”
-Ashe Vernon
I want to gather your darkness
in my hands, to cup it like water
and drink.
I want this in the same way
as I want to touch your cheek –
it is the same –
the way a moth will come
to the bedroom window in late September,
beating and beating its wings against cold glass,
the way a horse will lower
his long head to water, and drink,
and pause to lift his head and look,
and drink again,
taking everything in with the water,
-Jane Hirschfield
“When you are most homesick, inexplicably
for some places you’ve never even lived,
an unexpected ocean breeze salts the heavy air,
stirring everything.
It says: your happiness will return to you
like the prodigal son, having spent
your inheritance of expectations extravagantly,
but ready now to do the work of joy.
Have faith.
The signs of life gather themselves in any darkness.
It’s a rebirth, a rebuilding, of what was never really destroyed.
In what is its own kind of starlight,
a thousand bright minds flicker on,
our imaginations like flashlights,
searching for a path,
blinking in the dark.”
-Mindy Nettifee
Be broken.
Lie there
on the ground
in the wreckage
until you can feel
all of your new jagged
edges individually.
Notice how much more
surface area there is to you now.
Notice there’s a rhythm to the stinging.
It will lead you back to your pulse.
Try to move if you can.
Follow the path the pain takes
when it forks and sharks
through your body.
Focus on your uneven breath.
Try to love way it hitches now,
how each drag of air cuts
through the field of panic.
As your thoughts struggle
to harden into words,
return to your breath.
Pull yourself into sitting
as best you can.
Be tender.
Try speaking.
Grasp the leathery
harness of your voice.
How long have you been crying?
Hum something
your mother taught you.
Anything is fine.
Feel it vibrate in your chest.
That’s where your heart is,
still beating,
still wrestling life into you,
still pushing back against the world.-Mindy Nettifee
When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the
yearning to be close to the other. The presence that is felt
through a hand held, a voice heard, or a smile seen.
Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand
the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to
be with one another.
This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they
are not there— even if they are only in the very next room.
Your soul only feels their absence— it doesn’t realize the
separation is temporary.
― Lang Leav
This is one of my favorite poems by Lang Leav. It makes me smile every time I read it.
Look, the trees
are turning
their own bodies
into pillarsof light,
are giving off the rich
fragrance of cinnamon
and fulfillment,the long tapers
of cattails
are bursting and floating away over
the blue shouldersof the ponds,
and every pond,
no matter what its
name is, isnameless now.
Every year
I have ever learnedin my lifetime
leads back to this: the fires
and the black river of loss
whose other sideis salvation,
whose meaning
none of us will ever know.
To live in this worldyou must be able
to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold itagainst your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.– Mary Oliver
You have said
all the things
I need to hear
before I knew
I needed to hear them.To be unafraid
of all the things
I used to fear,
before I knew
I shouldn’t fear them.-Lang Leav
All the things I needed to hear, before I knew I needed to hear them. Oh, how I love that. Sometimes someone says something to you and it just clicks. Ah, yes. That is it. That’s precisely it. I didn’t know it before I heard it, but I know it now. Keep those people close to you, they are rare.
If your notebook packed into a knapsack tumbles
into the current of a river some October night
If this notebook’s marbled face reminds you of home, a hand-
drawn map of tectonic plates, a silt-soaked dock’s attendant moss
If the words within have ever saved you If they liken love
to glacial melts, the tides’ claw against rocks
If they liken faith to waterwings
And because the river is the Hudson, flecked with sirens Because it chews at the starboard cheek of tugboats and spits at ferries which pass
Because you think poems are breaths that hands reclaim Because you wish one day
to speak in tongues Because she should hear you read for her
Because odes are now also elegies
Because we cannot know what wake our living leaves
Because this confluence of muscle and loss Because they float just 10 yards out
Because you leap the pier’s railing headfirst
-R.A. Villanueva
One summer she goes into the field as usual stopping for a bit at the pool where she often looks at herself, to see if she detects any changes. She sees the same person, the horrible mantle of daughterliness still clinging to her. The sun seems, in the water, very close. That’s my uncle spying again, she thinks— everything in nature is in some way her relative. I am never alone, she thinks, turning the thought into a prayer. Then death appears, like the answer to a prayer. No one understands anymore how beautiful he was. But Persephone remembers. Also that he embraced her, right there, with her uncle watching. She remembers sunlight flashing on his bare arms. This is the last moment she remembers clearly. Then the dark god bore her away. She also remembers, less clearly, the chilling insight that from this moment she couldn’t live without him again. The girl who disappears from the pool will never return. A woman will return, looking for the girl she was. She stands by the pool saying, from time to time, I was abducted, but it sounds wrong to her, nothing like what she felt. Then she says, I was not abducted. Then she says, I offered myself, I wanted to escape my body. Even, sometimes, I willed this. But ignorance cannot will knowledge. Ignorance wills something imagined, which it believes exists. All the different nouns— she says them in rotation. Death, husband, god, stranger. Everything sounds so simple, so conventional. I must have been, she thinks, a simple girl. She can’t remember herself as that person but she keeps thinking the pool will remember and explain to her the meaning of her prayer so she can understand whether it was answered or not. -Louise Glück
You’ve kissed my hair to wake me.
I dreamed you were a poem,
I say, a poem I wanted to show someone…
and I laugh and fall dreaming again
of the desire to show you to everyone I love,
to move openly together
in the pull of gravity, which is not simple,
which carries the feathered grass a long way down the upbreathing air.-Adrienne Rich
Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because —
because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.Don’t leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.Don’t leave me for a second, my dearest,
because in that moment you’ll have gone so far
I’ll wander mazily over all the earth, asking,
Will you come back? Will you leave me here, dying?-Pablo Neruda
You silly little girl,
you think
you’ve survived so long
survival shouldn’t hurt anymore.You keep trying to turn
your body bulletproof.
You keep trying to turn your heart
bomb shelter.Stop, darling.
You are soft and alive.
You bruise and you heal.
Cherish it.
It is what you were born to do.It will not be beautiful,
But the truth never is.Come now,
you promised yourself.
You promised
you’d live through this.-Clementine Von Radics
Leave if your love hurts you.
Leave if it is always more pain than it is joy.
Contrary to what they’ll tell you,
Love does not make the world spin around.
You can want someone, baby.
You can want them until you’re raw.
That kind of longing can turn you into water after a live wire has been thrown into it.
It can turn you into the hand holding that wire,
But that doesn’t mean it’s right.
It doesn’t mean you should stay.
Don’t hang round just because you’re scared that you’ll never feel that kind of electricity again.
It’s not true, it never was.
The thing is, you were made to be touched by hands,
Attached to a body that finds itself at rest when it’s with you.
That finds itself quietly trembling when you’re together.
Those hands need to come with gentle words and an honest mouth.
A mouth that says your name in a way that sounds like the very definition of “falling.”
So don’t take less than that.
Don’t take half of that.
Above all, if it hurts, go.
You’ll fall in love so many times that you’ll lose count and it’ll shake you.
Tiny vibrations like tectonic plates with every stranger who you looked into the eyes and made your body feel new.
Find a love that makes you feel new, and better.
Always like you’re moving and staying still at the exact same time.
Grow, expand, and if it hurts, leave.
-Azra T.