• Happiness {Poetry}

    Tuesday, June 30, 2015 No tags Permalink



    A man and a woman lie on a white bed.
    It is morning. I think
    Soon they will waken.
    On the bedside table is a vase
    of lilies; sunlight
    pools in their throats.
    I watch him turn to her
    as though to speak her name
    but silently, deep in her mouth–
    At the window ledge,
    once, twice,
    a bird calls.
    And then she stirs; her body
    fills with his breath.

    I open my eyes; you are watching me.
    Almost over this room
    the sun is gliding.
    Look at your face, you say,
    holding your own close to me
    to make a mirror.
    How calm you are.
    And the burning wheel
    passes gently over us.

    -Louise Gluck


  • The Burning Heart {Poetry}

    Tuesday, June 23, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Ask her if she regrets anything.

    I was
    promised to another—
    I lived with someone.
    You forget these things when you’re touched.

    Ask her how he touched her.

    His gaze touched me
    before his hands touched me.

    Ask her how he touched her.

    I didn’t ask for anything;
    everything was given.

    Ask her what she remembers.

    We were hauled into the underworld.

    I thought
    we were not responsible
    any more than we were responsible
    for being alive. I was
    a young girl, rarely subject to censure;

    then a pariah. Did I change that much
    from one day to the next?
    If I didn’t change, wasn’t my action
    in the character of that young girl?

    Ask her what she remembers.

    I noticed nothing. I noticed
    I was trembling.

    Ask her if the fire hurts.

    I remember
    we were together.
    And gradually I understood
    that though neither of us ever moved
    we were not together but profoundly separate.

    Ask her if the fire hurts.

    You expect to live forever with your husband
    in fire more durable than the world.
    I suppose this wish was granted,
    where we are now being both
    fire and eternity.

    Do you regret your life?

    Even before I was touched, I belonged to you;
    you had only to look at me.

    -Louise Gluck


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  • Dear Woman {Poetry}

    Tuesday, June 16, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Dear Woman,
    Sometimes you’ll just be too much woman
    Too smart,
    Too beautiful,
    Too strong,
    Too much of something
    That makes a man feel like less of a man,
    Which will make you feel like you have to be less of a woman.
    The biggest mistake you can make
    Is removing jewels from your crown
    To make it easier for a man to carry.
    When this happens, I need you to understand,
    You do not need a smaller crown –
    You need a man with bigger hands.

    -Michael Reid


    A big thank you to my Sheryl-ladycakes for sharing this earlier today. xoxo

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  • I’m Running A Fever And You’re Running Your Mouth {Poetry}

    Tuesday, June 9, 2015 No tags Permalink

    In bed

    Among all the revelry,
    in the glow of the fire,
    you swallowed me with a stare
    and turned me inside out

    With your green glass eyes
    and the curve of your lips
    and the taste of your skin
    and the heat of your breath

    You are everything like the high I get
    when I’m riding my bike
    through the summer evening air
    and the songs ringing in my ears
    have me smiling so wide
    my cheeks go sore

    In spite of grass stained knees
    and a dozen mosquito bites,
    I could listen to you talk all night
    and thank the stars for keeping me alive
    long enough to taste my name
    on your tongue.

    -M. Rockett

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  • Mercury {Poetry}

    Tuesday, June 2, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Blame it on Mercury
    (and I don’t mean the way you taste).
    I am in retrograde
    speaking in tongues
    sweating in reverse
    and maybe if I wasn’t spinning backwards
    I could conjure up the right words.
    They’ve buried themselves in me somewhere
    beneath twelve tons of brick.
    After eighty-six hours of silence
    I’m starting to wonder what my voice sounds like.
    Looking down at my hands
    I’m trying to recall
    which way is
    what is left
    there’s nothing left.
    Blame it on the dirt
    (and I don’t mean the way you swallow secrets).
    I am digging my own grave
    burying myself in the garden
    so that the world may have another sad song
    about sleeping alone
    and I think if the love in my heart
    was made out of glass
    I’d be coughing up blood by now.
    My insides are shattered
    but I don’t I look good?
    What about from this angle?
    What about when I bite my lip
    bide my time
    grow amongst the flowers?
    Blame it on the nightmares
    (and I don’t mean the way you live with your ghosts).
    I am haunted just like everyone else.
    My mouth is dry but maybe
    I’d be a little more kissable
    after another glass of whiskey
    after another poem about the stars.
    My heart is empty,
    do you mind if I have yours?
    You used to tell me I was a dream
    But now you have trouble sleeping
    And you don’t look at me like that anymore.
  • For Claudia, Against Narrowness {Poetry)

    Tuesday, May 26, 2015 No tags Permalink

    “Narrowing life because of the fears,
    narrowing it between the dust motes,
    narrowing the pink baby
    between the green-limbed monsters,
    & the drooling idiots,
    & the ghosts of the Thalidomide infants,
    narrowing hope,
    always narrowing hope.
    Mother sits on one shoulder hissing:
    Life is dangerous.
    Father sits on the other sighing:
    Lucky you.
    Grandmother, grandfather, big sister:
    You’ll die if you leave us,
    you’ll die if you ever leave us.

    Sweetheart, baby sister,
    you’ll die anyway
    & so will I.
    Even if you walk the wide greensward,
    even if you
    & your beautiful big belly
    embrace the world of men & trees,
    even if you moan with pleasure,
    & smoke the sweet grass
    & feast on strawberries in bed,
    you’ll die anyway—
    wide or narrow,
    you’re going to die.

    As long as you’re at it,
    die wide.
    Follow your belly to the green pasture.
    Lie down in the sun’s dapple.
    Life is not as dangerous
    as mother said.
    It is more dangerous,
    more wide.”
    – Erica Jong

    This poem always makes me think of my baby sister. I know she lived wide. I think, in her own way, she died wide too.

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  • From the Muse {Poetry}

    Tuesday, May 19, 2015 No tags Permalink

    Men do not bend over backwards to please me.
    Nothing you have ever heard is true.

    They would have you believe in the sway of my hips
    like a siren song.

    Some charlatan claimed to see the birth of Venus
    in the lay of my thighs. Roses in my cheeks.

    They say they dedicate their work to me.
    They say they dedicate their lives to me.

    But these are wholly foolish things.
    This is the truth of it. Here it is with verity:

    They break over their pens and their clay and their stone,
    falling for the image on the easel.

    They like me at a distance: elusive, radiant, mysterious.
    A mess of legs and mouth. A silhouette. An idea.

    A design of their own making.
    Not a woman who talks too much in her sleep.

    They call on me for inspiration, but nobody chasing the muse
    has ever actually put down the pen long enough

    to come and find me.
    It is nothing if not lonely. It is nothing if not unkind.

    If I had my way: every bit of marble cracked,
    every inkwell run dry, every metaphor cut down before its time.

    The bottoms of my feet are black from running barefoot.
    My mouth is lit like a forge.

    I am worth so much more
    than another couple of good goddamned lines.”

    -Trista Mateer


    “You saw her a hundred times, but not once did you look at her.” – Gabriela Mistral

  • Sonnet XI {Poetry}

    Tuesday, May 12, 2015 , Permalink

    Here’s a spicy one! Neruda is relentless with his sensual metaphors. Relentless in a good way. 😉

         I crave your mouth, your voice, your hairI crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
    Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
    Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
    I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

    I hunger for your sleek laugh,
    your hands the color of a savage harvest,
    hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
    I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

    I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
    the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
    I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

    and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
    hunting for you, for your hot heart,
    like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.


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  • Dreamers {Poetry}

    Tuesday, May 5, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Close your eyes.
    Imagine you are standing barefoot in the middle of a brick road.
    It is late in the afternoon.
    The sky is a soft pink.
    The wind is carrying flower petals in its breeze as you walk down this deserted road.
    The leaves on the ground start to whisper behind you.
    The breeze caresses your cheeks, and the wisps of your hair start to swirl around you.
    The whistling spirits start to tug on the fabric of your clothes.
    The wind is now so strong that you feel like you are being swept up by the tides.
    You move one foot in front of the other, but no longer feel the uneven brick beneath you.
    The wind cradles you in its arms as you float away from the stone path.
    You swirl and twist in the air with ease and begin to feel sleepy.
    You sigh a breath of content and the wind intertwines itself with the air from your soul.
    You gently begin to melt into the breeze.
    Becoming the wind that tickles the eyelashes of lovers and stirs the glassy surface of lakes.
    Carrying the secrets of birds and the hopes of flowers.
    You kiss the sea foam and the clouds.
    The sun’s gentle fading rays wrap themselves around you until your essence drifts away;
    Traveling to foreign lands where you fall upon the eyes of dreamers as they blink up at the stars.


  • Love After Love {Poetry}

    Tuesday, April 28, 2015 No tags Permalink

    The time will come
    when, with elation,
    you will greet yourself arriving
    at your own door, in your own mirror,
    and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
    and say, sit here. Eat.
    You will love again the stranger who was your self.
    Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
    to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
    all your life, whom you ignored
    for another, who knows you by heart.
    Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
    the photographs, the desperate notes,
    peel your own image from the mirror.
    Sit. Feast on your life.

    -Derek Walcott

  • Last Night I Dreamt We Were Made of Stars {Poetry}

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Your calloused hands
    And consolation kisses
    Are keeping me awake.
    I am filling the hollow space
    In your collar bones
    With empty affection
    And misplaced curiosity.
    I wonder what you look like
    With an earthquake in your lungs
    Quivering beneath the weight of
    My being
    Gasping for air in this sea of
    Lust and longing.
    In the quiet hours of the morning
    When you are half asleep
    I’ll kiss your neck
    Behind your ear
    And whisper:
    Drown in me.

    -ravenous ghosts

  • Be Braver a Than I Have Been {Poetry}

    Tuesday, April 14, 2015 No tags Permalink

    Be braver
    Because someday love is going to fill you as easily as the rain fills the endless sea.
    I always thought the ocean was complete until I watched it become a forever home
    for terrified droplets being dispelled from the sky.

    Be braver than I have been.
    Don’t hide your water behind glass doors and guarded fences.
    Dive all the way to the bottom without wondering what lies below.
    Throw away the map and the plans and don’t worry about finding the treasure.

    Be braver than I have been and allow yourself to realize
    that the treasure has already found you.
    Let yourself be loved.
    Let yourself love.

    Do not jump in the car and drive until the skies turn black and your heart feels at home.
    Do not beg the airplane to stay just a moment longer in the clouds so your stomach might stay at the top and leave the butterflies in the skies where they belong.
    Do not bury your face in your hands to forget the smell and taste and dance that only accompanies two souls in love.

    Be braver than I have been.
    Let yourself be loved.

    -Macaile Hutt

  • These Are the Days

    Friday, April 10, 2015 No tags Permalink

    White sheets

    “Be waiting in them,
    half wrapped up in fresh white sheets,
    I’ll hurry to you.”

    — Daily Haiku by Tyler Knott Gregson

    I love the ritual of changing over from my darker, heavier linens and duvet to crisp white sheets and a lightweight quilt.  There’s just something about pure white sheets that I love for the spring and summer.  When I saw this haiku by Tyler Knott, I knew I had to share.  Have you ever read any of his writing? Damn, he has a way with words that must make women swoon at his feet.

    “Seduce me. Write letters to me. And poems, I love poems. Ravish me with your words. Seduce me.” – Anne Boleyn

    Another thing that says springtime to me: Lillet Blanc.  I like it with a twist of orange.  I bought a new bottle of it this week.  It’s not always easy to find because it doesn’t seem to be very popular around here.

    Lillet blanc


    Something made me think of this song yesterday.  It makes me want to take off all my clothes and twirl naked on the newly green grass.  But I didn’t.  I don’t think my neighbors would approve.  😉

    “These Are Days”

    These are the days.

    These are days you’ll remember.
    Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this.
    And as you feel it, you’ll know it’s true that you are blessed and lucky.
    It’s true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.

    These are days you’ll remember.
    When May is rushing over you with desire to be part of the miracles you see in
    Every hour.
    You’ll know it’s true that you are blessed and lucky.
    It’s true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.

    These are days.

    These are the days you might fill with laughter until you break.
    These days you might feel a shaft of light make its way across your face.
    And when you do you’ll know how it was meant to be.
    See the signs and know their meaning.
    It’s true, you’ll know how it was meant to be.
    Hear the signs and know they’re speaking to you, to you.

  • Eighteen Days Without You {Poetry}

    Tuesday, April 7, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Then I think of you in bed,
    your tongue half chocolate, half ocean,
    of the houses that you swing into,
    of the steel wool hair on your head,
    of your persistent hands and then
    how we gnaw at the barrier because we are two.

    How you come and take my blood cup
    and link me together and take my brine.
    We are bare. We are stripped to the bone
    and we swim in tandem and go up and up
    the river, the identical river called Mine
    and we enter together. No one’s alone.

    -Anne Sexton

  • Balancing Act {Poetry}

    Tuesday, March 31, 2015 No tags Permalink


    Balancing Act
    Today I suddenly smelled your
    scent on the breeze like vapor from the bayou.
    I closed my eyes and tried not to breathe
    too deeply, instinctively knowing I’d lose it
    in the rush of air into my lungs the same way
    knew I’d lose you all those years ago
    if I loved too deeply.

    The tickle of your afternoon beard on my face,
    the pearl white buttons nestled in the blue of your shirt,
    your tanned hand with a half moon scar warm against
    the curve of my waist all came back as if we’d just
    parted today, still fresh as new baby skin.

    I opened my eyes and the sun had burned off
    the vapor and the tickle on my face
    was only sweat. Your half moon scar lies
    on someone else’s waist.

    Charlotte Hamrick


    This week’s poetry selection comes from my friend and very talented writer, Charlotte.  Several of her poems were just published in the Camroc Press Review, so please take a few moments to read them. Or you can visit her site and see more of her writing (and photography too).

  • My Ear Attends to You {Poetry}

    Tuesday, March 24, 2015 No tags Permalink

    My ear attends to you,
    as a mother hears in her sleep.
    To a feverish child, she whispers
    as I bend over you.

    At the skin, my blood calls out to
    your heart, my whole sky craves
    an island of tenderness.
    My rivers tilt towards you.

    And I am drawn downwards
    as stairs slope into a garden,
    or some willow’s bough falls
    straight down, away from the milestone.

    Stars are pulled to the earth
    and laurels on graves won
    with suffering, attract banners.
    An owl longs for a hollow.

    And I lean down
    towards you with muscle and wing,
    as if to a grave stone,
    (I put the years to sleep)

    my lips seek yours…like spring.

    -Marina Tsvetaeva


    Tonight’s agenda: a soak in a hot bath (to ease my aching bones), a mug of hot cocoa (to war my icy fingers), and a blanket fort in which to read a book of poetry (to ease my aching soul).

  • Gatsby {Poetry}

    Tuesday, March 17, 2015 No tags Permalink



    We all have moments
    when the green light we are
    reaching towards
    becomes nothing more
    than a reflection in the water
    darkened by

    Some people are
    better left in dreams
    but if you choose to leave me
    on that warm night
    do not come back.

    I do not want to be someone’s Daisy.



  • From Totem Poem [In the Yellow Time of Pollen]

    Tuesday, March 10, 2015 No tags Permalink

    Nape of the neck
    There was a gap in things; and all the lilacs bloomed.
    Words split in our grasp. We were licking the cream
    from the universal ice. Words foundered and cracked.
    How the bonnet was warm on your bottom! And the metal
    continued tick-ticking though the engine was off.

    And the evening shuddered, since everything is connected.
    I was licking the cream from the universal saucer.
    I was all of Cheshire and points between.
    You saw the great sky turn blacker, you saw the spray of stars
    and your hair got tangled in the windscreen wiper.

    At the hot ponds we stripped as night closed in.
    I secretly admired your underwear, your long
    elusive legs. In the spring where we lay side by side
    we held hands. Up above the steam the sky. I said
    That one is called Sirius or Dog Star, but only here on Earth.

    And when since the stories foretold it we parted,
    those birds were all released again. Such buoyancy.
    They go on forever like that. How else to say thank you
    in a foreign place? We are ever in the arms of our exile,
    forever going one way and the other

    though sometimes of course on a sphere that is not so bad.
    I will meet you on the nape of your neck one day,
    on the surface of intention, word becoming act.
    We will breathe into each other the high mountain tales,
    where the snows come from, where the waters begin.

    In the yellow time of pollen when the fields were ablaze
    we were very near bewildered by beauty.
    The sky was a god-bee that hummed. All the air boomed
    with that thunder. It was both for the prick
    and the nectar we drank that we gave ourselves over.

    -Luke Davies

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  • The Ponds { Poetry}

    Tuesday, March 3, 2015 No tags Permalink



    Still, what I want in my life
    is to be willing
    to be dazzled—
    to cast aside the weight of facts

    and maybe even
    to float a little
    above this difficult world.
    I want to believe I am looking

    into the white fire of a great mystery.
    I want to believe that the imperfections are nothing—
    that the light is everything—that it is more than the sum
    of each flawed blossom rising and falling. And I do.

    -Mary Oliver


  • Oranges { Poetry}

    Monday, February 23, 2015 Permalink


    “I wake up in the middle of the night
    and I text you things like “why aren’t you in my bed?
    come eat a bowl of oranges off of me”.
    I don’t know what this means.
    I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.
    Something about you and I in bed
    with sticky fingers
    and wet mouths
    is appealing to me even in half-sleep.

    Maybe oranges are a metaphor for life.
    Maybe I still don’t know how many seeds I’m gonna find in you.
    Maybe oranges are just supposed to mean summer heat
    because I’m sick of all this cold, cold, cold.
    Maybe it doesn’t matter.

    Maybe the only thing that means something
    is that I am always waking up in the middle of the night
    and reaching out to you.

    You with those warm hands.
    You with that wet mouth.”

    – Trista Mateer