A fun day was had by all! I am (by far) the oldest one of our team, but I almost had to carry my boss across the finish line. I was nice and didn’t leave him in the dust because I know he didn’t want to run alone. But when he said that he could really uses a cigarette as we neared the finish line, I was re-thinking that choice. I just told him to suck it up, buttercup. 🙂
The rain held off until after we had finished and Meredith had Champagne for us post-race. I like the way she thinks!
June 1, 2015
Geez, you look like the YOUNGEST! Cool shirts… Did someone say champagne? 😉
June 1, 2015
Wow, thank you! I’ll take that compliment as I’m 10-15 years older than the two in the picture with me.
You really can’t go wrong with Champagne, can you? It’s one of my favorite things ever!