While all intention is unique in its content, there’s a pattern and sequence–steps that repeat. If we learn these, our lives change. We manifest change in our lives with frictionless flow.
Seek desire. Genuine desires often defy logic and make no sense, making it easy for us to dismiss them as a passing whim. But beginning with desire, responding to the creative energy that comes from within can lend itself to being unafraid of going after what we truly want.
Express yourself. Beginning a statement with “I intend to…” creates a moment of purpose and is much clearer that “I may…” With our language, both internal and external, we send a signal. Be clear, direct and speak with kindness.
Be decisive. Making decisions isn’t easy for some people and even the most decisive people need support now and then. To realize our intentions, we need to make decisions. Don’t be afraid to give or receive advice and suggestions. Talk through possibilities.
Release control. There are those moments when we need to step aside and get out of our own way. When we are following our true selves, it feels like life is flowing along. We choose our battles with ease and obstacles dissolve.
Let go. This can be a huge challenge for me and one where we most likely trip up. Stubbornness can lead us to believe that our plan is the only one. Be open to being surprised. Let go and allow our intent to unfold. Be flexible with your preferences. Stay alert, keep our eyes open and enjoy the dance!
“The existence, the physical universe is basically playful. There is no necessity for it whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. That is to say, it doesn’t have some destination that it ought to arrive at.
But that it is best understood by the analogy with music. Because music, as an art form is essentially playful. We say, “You play the piano” You don’t work the piano. Why? Music differs from say, travel. When you travel you are trying to get somewhere. In music, though, one doesn’t make the end of the composition. The point of the composition. If that were so, the best conductors would be those who played fastest. And there would be composers who only wrote finales. People would go to a concert just to hear one crackling chord… Because that’s the end!
Same way with dancing. You don’t aim at a particular spot in the room because that’s where you will arrive. The whole point of the dancing is the dance.
But we don’t see that as something brought by our education into our conduct. We have a system of schooling which gives a completely different impression. It’s all graded and what we do is put the child into the corridor of this grade system with a kind of, “Come on kitty, kitty.” And you go onto kindergarten and that’s a great thing because when you finish that you get into first grade. Then, “Come on” first grade leads to second grade and so on. And then you get out of grade school and you got high school. It’s revving up, the thing is coming, then you’re going to go to college… Then you’ve got graduate school, and when you’re through with graduate school you go out to join the world.
Then you get into some racket where you’re selling insurance. And they’ve got that quota to make, and you’re gonna make that. And all the time that thing is coming – It’s coming, it’s coming, that great thing. The success you’re working for. Then you wake up one day about 40 years old and you say, “My God, I’ve arrived. I’m there.” And you don’t feel very different from what you’ve always felt.
Look at the people who live to retire; to put those savings away. And then when they’re 65 they don’t have any energy left. They’re more or less impotent. And they go and rot in some, old peoples, senior citizens community. Because we simply cheated ourselves the whole way down the line.
If we thought of life by analogy with a journey, with a pilgrimage, which had a serious purpose at that end, and the thing was to get to that thing at that end. Success, or whatever it is, or maybe heaven after you’re dead.
But we missed the point the whole way along.
It was a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing or to dance while the music was being played.” -Alan Watts
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