Hello, August

Saturday, August 2, 2014 No tags Permalink


How can it be August already? This year is flying by. Before I know it, it will be winter again and I’ll be freezing my ass off. I tried to think positively about winter last year, but that didn’t help much. I need to come up with a way of making winter more tolerable to me, because it’s going to arrive whether I want it to or not.

This has been an interesting week. Interesting as in fairly bizarre. It’s not a full moon, is it? Some of the more interesting occurrences:

I frequent a certain local restaurant that will remain nameless here (I’ve learned my lesson well in the great and powerful all-knowing Google.)There’s a sweet young man that works there and he’s always chatting me up. I know he’s not hitting on me, as he’s very obviously gay. So gay that even I know he’s gay, and I have the worst gaydar ever. So one evening this week he comes over and says to me, “Sweetie, when I’m in drag, I wish I could look just like you!” Mind you, he’s a short, chubby, Hispanic guy. I just smiled and told him thank you. I think that supposed to be a compliment? I wanted to laugh, but it didn’t want him to think I was laughing at him. The best part is that right before I left, he pointed to “the girls” and asked if they were real, because if they weren’t he wanted to know where I had them done because they are, and I quote, “fan-tas-tic”.

Another day this week I carried around $600 in cash stuffed into my bra. Too long of a story to explain. Does anyone remember bra purses? My grandma used to knit them. She gave me one once when I was about 12. I was so flat chested then that it would’ve been painfully obvious that I was trying to stash my cash.

In the 90 minutes that I was at the gym this evening, I was asked out twice. Note to all men: telling a woman that she shouldn’t ride her bike alone because she will end up murdered on the side of the road is not a good segue into asking her out. A) I’m not stupid (the blonde hair tends to make people think that) B) That’s a pretty creepy thing to say.

The man working at the tire store thought that my son was my husband. Thank you. Wait… Ewwww.

Here’s to the rest of August being a lot less “interesting” than it’s been so far.

1 Comment
  • PJ
    August 3, 2014

    How to like winter better? Move!
    Your week founds hilarious to me. But seriously, what kind of creeper talks about a woman getting murdered like that. Ugh, men sometimes!

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