I got a manicure today and the nail tech talked me into getting sparkle polish on my ring fingers. Not really me, but hey, it’s temporary. The tech next to me had her little boy there with her and he and I were chatting. He was a cute and precocious 9 year old. He told me that he liked the sparkle polish, but wanted to know where were my rings. I had no dea what he was talking about. He said, “You know, your wedding ring.” When I told him that I wasn’t married, he carefully looked me up and down then gently patted me on the arm and said, “well, at least you’re trying.” (My mother would be glad to hear this, even if it isn’t true.) I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. I love how kids say whatever comes into their heads. Then he said, “It must be hard, not being married.” Nope, little buddy, that’s easy. Being married, that’s the hard stuff.
The Cure for Anything
is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea
Lisa's bookshelf: read

by Dana Spiotta
Meh. I wanted to like this book, but it just fell completely flat for me. When I finished it, I was thinking, "is that it?". Simply disappointing. Good potential, but falls very short.

Lisa's bookshelf: read

by Dana Spiotta
Meh. I wanted to like this book, but it just fell completely flat for me. When I finished it, I was thinking, "is that it?". Simply disappointing. Good potential, but falls very short.

June 17, 2014
From the mouths of babes. 😉
Once bitten and twice shy, that’s for sure.