It’s Been a Great Week

Saturday, June 27, 2015 No tags Permalink

Knock, knock
I’m so happy about yesterday’s SCOTUS decision. Between the Affordable Care Act ruling & the Marriage Equality ruling it is a SHIT week to be a conservative but an awesome week to be a decent human being. 😉
SCOTUS decision

What an eloquent and beautifully written decision. “In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than the once were.” For so long, I didn’t really see it that way. I had such a terrible experience in my marriage that I couldn’t begin to understand why anyone would want to be married. For nearly a decade, my life was a living hell. Why would I want to sign up for that again? I didn’t. And after I got divorced, I did trust anyone. Worst of all, I didn’t trust myself. I had mis-judged my ex-husband’s character so badly that I constantly second-guessed myself. It’s taken me years and lots of work on myself, but I can finally respect the idea of marriage because I have seen the good side of it again. Many of my gay and lesbian friends have been with their partners for 10,15, and even 20 plus years. Now they have equal dignity under the law. It’s about damn time.

June 12, 2015, marked the 48th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court decision that invalidated interracial marriage bans. My son and I were talking about that today. It seems unfathomable to us that such a short time ago two people of a different race couldn’t  marry.  It’s my hope that some day in the near future young people will say the same thing about same-sex marriage.

I was crying like a baby by the end of this video. Can you imagine waiting 55 years to marry the love of your life? These two have been together longer than I’ve been alive. How anyone can say that they’re against this is beyond me. Love wins.

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