Stop buying the unnecessary.
Toss half your stuff, learn contentedness.
Reduce half again.
List 4 essentials things in your life, do these first.
Stop doing the non-essential.
Clear distractions, focus on each moment.
Let go of attachment to doing, having more.
Fall in love with less.
Reduce your needs, and be content. Your life of striving for perfection, for the future, will become a life of balance, of the moment, (in the moment), and of inner peace.
Several years ago, I got rid of about 80% of the things I owned. Or, more correctly put, they owned me. I spent all of my time taking care of all of those things and not actually enjoying any of them. It was a trap. I’m free now.
I recently read this quote: “”There are four reasons for clutter: fear, papers, guilt, and money.” I absolutely agree. To me, clutter is toxic. It’s the visual equivalent of really bad, loud music. (Do you remember when we blasted Noriega with bad rock music to get him to surrender?)
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.– Hans Hofmann
May 10, 2014
I “so” need to follow this advice. I live cleaner and simpler when I’m traveling in my RV – I’m forced to. Thanks for sharing…