“You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge. Apologize for mistakes. Apologize for unintentionally hurting someone — profusely. But don’t apologize for being who you are.”
Danielle LaPorte
This reminds me of Carol Rossetti’s artwork. I especially related to this one:
For years I avoided wearing high heels because I was told the same thing (mainly but my husband). Ironically, growing up I thought that I was short. At 5’8″ I’m the shortest in my family. Add a pair of three inch heels, and I’m taller than a lot of men and most women. I used to have trouble finding pants that were long enough. Oddly, the smaller the size, the shorter the pants were. I’m all legs. My son and I laugh because he’s 6 inches talker than me, but I have the longer inseam.
I know that some women hate high heels. That’s okay too. I think they have their place in my wardrobe and find them to be fun and sexy. I’ve always loved this image:
I mean, wow! Does that make me sexist? I don’t think so. Because a woman can also put on her jeans and hiking boots and stomp through muddy trails in the woods. As Walt Whitman says, I contain multitudes. I can be any kind of woman I want. That’s the ultimate in freedom.
July 4, 2014
I for one am envious of your height, and especially your long legs. 🙂
That is a great quote!