I fed myself healthy food, and a ton of it at that. By the time I got home this evening, I was ravenous. I woke up this morning and rode 20 miles at a 17.6 MPH average pace. Not too shabby, considering my calves were sore before I started. About halfway through I started wheezing. Then came the barking asthma cough. (I swear that the air quality here gets worse and worse each year. Just another way this city has been killing me slowly for the last 18 years.) Luckily, I’ve gotten smart and started carrying my inhaler. Ventolin clears up the airway, but it also gives a burst of energy. No wonder is on the banned substance list for competing. But since I won’t be competing any time soon, or most likely ever, I thought it would be a good plan to be able to breathe. 😉
Late this afternoon I went to he gym and lifted for about an hour. I had this great idea that I’d go to the grocery store when I was done. There are two major flaws in this plan: 1) It is Saturday and the grocery store is usually packed 2) I’d exercised pretty intensely twice today. By the time I got home from the store I was ready to eat everything I’d just bought.
Time spent outside– check. My great ride this mornng, then coffee on the patio, and tonight I walked over to Harry and Izzy’s to meet for a drink. (They make a wicked good martini, which is why I’m glad I can walk there.)I’m bone tired tonight so I called it an early evening. I’ll definitely be putting myself to bed early. And I’m already thinking about a nap tomorrow. But only after breakfast. I’m having some of those much-craved pancakes tomorrow, topped with my mom’s homemade strawberry jam. Yum!
I don’t say mean things to myself, or put myself in danger because there are enough other people trying to do that for us.
I’m not sure about the part where my skull is as fragile as an eggshell. I’m hard-headed and obstinate, to a fault at times. I’m working on that.
What would you add to this note to yourself? I’d add move your body and take baths.
July 20, 2014
Wow, you are a beast. Don’t you know you’re supposed to rest on the weekends? 😉
OMG, if I went to the grocery store hungry it would be a disaster.
Yes, you are stubborn, but mostly in a sweet, I-can-take-care-of-myself way. You have chutzpah.
My additions to the list: wine and Netflix.
July 20, 2014
I’m resting today. Mostly. 🙂
Chutzpah? Ha. Even though I’m a shiksa, I still know what that means!
I’m laughing at your list additions. I do love both of those
July 21, 2014
I see on your Instagram feed on the sidebar that you have the Vivian Maier book. Did you see the film yet?
I love Harry and Izzy’s. Best steaks and martinis ever!
July 21, 2014
Deb, I haven’t seen the film yet, but it’s com g out on DVD next week.
I bet you like Harry and Izzy’s shrimp cocktail too.
July 22, 2014
Oooh, Harry and Izzy’s. A date?