Today is my brother’s birthday. We’re both February babies, but I’m seven years younger. My sister looks just like my mom, my brother looks just like my dad and I look like….the milkman? 😉 In truth, I look like a mashup of my grandfathers. Although you can’t tell in this photo, both my brother and sister have brown eyes. My dad has blue eyes, my mom brown. I have green. No one else in my extended family has green eyes. I remember when we learned about eye color in school and the teacher said that green eyes are a mutation. I got nicknamed “mutant” for a few years. Nice! Genetics really are fascinating.
I read something on line the other day that said the average man wears his pajamas for almost two weeks in a row before washing them, while women wear the same set for 17 days. WHAT? Who would wear anything 17 times without washing it? I find this seriously disturbing. Also, do adults really wear pajamas? PJs are for kids. Personally, I can’t stand to sleep in them. Why would I want to get into bed wearing anything? Clothes serve two purposes: to keep me warm and/or to cover me when it’s inappropriate to be naked. But in my own home, in my own bed? No way.
I finally g0t the story on this photo of me. I’m about 18 months old. We were at my grandparents’ lake cottage. My grandpa was behind the camera and that’s my mom at the edge of the photo. I wanted to take off my shirt. My mom was telling me no. You can tell by the look in my eyes and the way my brow is furrowed and my mouth is set that I was not happy with that answer. So I guess I started my disdain for clothes at an early age. 🙂
I shudder to think at how rarely these people must be changing their bed sheets. Once a week is a bare minimum, and I usually change them twice a week and I shower before bed every night. Oh, and the article I read also told people that a bath towel no more than three times. Do people really need to be told this? Dead skin cells end up on the towel after each time it’s used and bacteria and mold begin to grow on the towel. I don’t want to dry my clean body with that! My son used to call me OCD, but now he has some appreciation for it as his roomie is slovenly. Also, he sees my point that if you invite someone over, she won’t be too impressed if you have stinky towels and nasty sheets.
I’m pretty picky about cleanliness, but there’s something I don’t get. I see a lot of women at the gym covering everything in sight with a gym towel. There are a few women who actually go so far as to cover the dumbbell with a towel. Seriously? Are they afraid that boy cooties might touch them? 😉 Just wash your hands when you’re done and take a shower with soap and water (and a clean towel). You’ll be fine. I promise.
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