A day full of conversation spent with an old friend is a day well spent. I needed her honest perspective. Sometimes you’re just too close to yourself, too much in your own head to see things clearly. I’m in such a better place, emotionally, physically, spiritually, than I was a year or two ago. But I still have things that I need to work on, and if I don’t, she’ll hold me to it.
She is one of the few people who knows all the gory details of what I went through two years ago, but she does not pity me for it. There’s nothing worse than pity. I have a nervous habit of rubbing the scar on the inside of my right index finger. Most people don’t even notice the scar, nonetheless my nervous habit. But she’ll catch me doing it and remind me of the quote from above. Everyone needs at least one good friend like that.
August 17, 2014
Thought would be a Great Friend…don’t ever lose her.
August 17, 2014
Whoops..darn auto correct….that would be
August 17, 2014
I’m so happy that you’re on such a wonderful path to healing and wholeness. You continue to inspire me on my path…
August 18, 2014
Indeed those friends are like precious diamonds.
Khalil Gibran….opened my eyes and heart so many years ago. Back in 1982 after running away to Boston I came across The Prophet. Finding my way to Walden Pond as often as possible I would sit for hours reading on a sunny embankment. And of course the cornerstones of Thoreau’s cabin being there added to the mysterious marvel of what life could be like….should be like….. His words left me forever searching for others that felt those same connections……
…….the search has manifested into a sense of contentment……
……..emotional scars truly do build character…..