Simplicity {Poetry}

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 No tags Permalink

I’ve been so busy blogging for my business and doing other work related things that I have been neglecting to post here. But I remembered that I still need to write for the sheer pleasure of it. My dear friend Sheryl shared this writing this past weekend, and it resonated with me. Life is short and precious. Spend it well.

“Just had one of those “ping” reminders that life is short and precious. Especially in the era of Trump, make sure to surround yourself with goodness wherever and whenever you can. Practice random acts of kindness. Smile at a stranger or buy them a cup of coffee. Hug your kids or parents or best friend or dogs (or cats) and tell them you love them. Get rid of the things that are keeping you down or hurting you or holding you back. Take a walk on a trail or in the park and close your eyes and breath in and count to 10. Take that day trip or go to that restaurant or movie. Call that friend you haven’t spoke to in years. We are here but for a flash – resistance brings great purpose to our days, but in all those moments, be present and alive.”
via Betsy Alexander

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