
Saturday, August 8, 2015 No tags Permalink


There’s nothing quite like having to physically touch each and every thing you own to make you realize you have too much stuff. I’m finding things that I haven’t used in the two years of living in my current place. In my mind, if I haven’t used it in two years, I don’t need it. I’m going to donate what I’m not using and hope that those things find a new home where they are used.

“If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris

On a related note, I really don’t like moving. There’s something about the chaos of it that I find unsettling. I’m trying to look at just why I feel this way. In the meantime, I’m staying positive and grateful. I’m trying to make it as fun as I can, playing upbeat music while I work and drawing silly pictures on the outside of my boxes. My movers are going to think I’m nuts, but I’m okay with that. ☺️

  • Sandi
    August 9, 2015

    Moving is always like a trip down memory lane. The fun part is organizing a new home and starting fresh. Where are you going? Why the move?

    • Lisa
      August 9, 2015

      It really is, Sandi! I’ve gotten rid of so much stuff over the last 5 years that it’s easier than it used to be. I think moving is a little like giving birth: you forget how painful it is. Otherwise, you’d never do it again. 😉

      It is fun to start fresh and I love the organizing part. I’m still in Indy, just closer to work and farther from my stalker. Both good things! 🙂

  • Charlotte HamrickCharlotte
    August 9, 2015

    I shudder to think of having to pack up this house I’ve been in for 35 years. However, I am on a slow but steady depurging effort!

  • Charlotte HamrickCharlotte
    August 9, 2015

    Rather, purging. Not depurging. What the……?

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