Earlier today I wrote on Facebook about the need for balance when it comes to the internet. My dear friend Tor reminded me of all the positive things that come from it. My long friendship with him and his lovely wife, Anna, is a perfect example of that. We are trusted friends and we share with one another cultures and experiences. For that, I am very grateful. We were able to spend a wonderful week together in Michigan this summer. (I swear that we weren’t always drinking wine, it just looks that way in these photos.)
The Cure for Anything
is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea
Lisa's bookshelf: read

by Dana Spiotta
Meh. I wanted to like this book, but it just fell completely flat for me. When I finished it, I was thinking, "is that it?". Simply disappointing. Good potential, but falls very short.

Lisa's bookshelf: read

by Dana Spiotta
Meh. I wanted to like this book, but it just fell completely flat for me. When I finished it, I was thinking, "is that it?". Simply disappointing. Good potential, but falls very short.

September 10, 2014
And I told Tor next trip I will be joining you….saving my money now for all the wine I need to bring.
September 11, 2014
Oh Sandy, you should! You would love Tor and Anna–such fun and kind people. They’re the best!