
Sunday, July 26, 2015 No tags Permalink


Time is precious. Spend it doing what makes you happy and spend it with someone who makes you happy.

Simple enough, right?

I used to think that doing nothing was a waste of my precious time. Now that I’m older (and hopefully a little bit wiser) I realize that sometimes doing nothing is essential. Today was one of those days. I puttered around the house, I read, I thought I listened to music, and I listened to the rain outside my window. It was exactly what I needed to do. It wasn’t the day I had planned for myself. I had a “productive” day in mind: chores, errands, gym. But after logging 12 hours in the gym since Monday, my body rebelled and not-so-subtly reminded me that I’m not 30 anymore. I needed rest– mind, body and soul. One of the good things that comes with life experience is knowing when to push yourself and when to recharge.

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