I am so enamored with this tiny house. I want one just like it (except in my decorating style) someplace outside the city. I want peace and quiet and the privacy to sit in my bathrobe (or less) and sip my morning cup of tea on the back patio in the warm morning sunshine. I want a little garden so I can grow my own fresh veggies and herbs and the rest of the yard can be wild flowers or other naturalized growth. Grass is a waste of resources and energy. I want bird feeders so I can watch the birds as I sip the aforementioned tea. I want books and bubble baths. Long bicycle rides and sunset walks. The only extravagance I’d add would be a jacuzzi on the patio. Because have ever soaked in the hot water on a cool evening and just watched the stars up in the sky? It’s amazing.
I don’t want to sit in an office all day for the rest of my life. It’s slowly sucking away my soul. While I am good at what I do, I don’t like it. I find no satisfaction in it. What’s that line from a song? “I have seen your nine to fives wash away your dreams.”
I’d rather write code and work with people, probably seniors, to help them live a healthier, more active life. I want a simple life.
I can finally admit that I’d like a companion to share all of this with. I’ve spent most of my adult life alone. I’ve struggled with finally admitting that at times I have been, and sometimes am, lonely. I don’t know why, but I’d rather say that I’m an ax murdered than lonely. However, I truly enjoy my own company, I know how to take care of myself, and I know how to be alone. (Hey, I’m an introvert, so at times I need to be alone, or at least around someone who understands introverts. I think introverts are so misunderstood. For example– introverts aren’t shy!) I realized that all of those things actually makes me pretty damn good company. The most beautiful part to loving a guarded girl is this: when she lets you in, it’s not because she needs you. She stopped needing people a long time ago. It’s because she wants you. And that – that is the purest love of all.
I don’t want a lot of money or fancy things. The older I get, the more I realize that it isn’t about material things, or pride, or ego. It’s about our hearts and who (and what) they beat for.
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