Sometimes I go for days, even weeks, without remembering my dreams. Last night was not one of those nights. No, last night was full of extremely vivid dreams. I don’t have nightmares, but last night’s dreams left me feeling unsettled. One of them was about my younger sister in which she was about the age that she was in the photo above. She’s the short one next to me. On the other side of her is my older sister. Dreams are strange things.
It’s a rainy, mellow Sunday here. I spent the morning sipping on a pot of tea, reading, and listening to music. I heard Joy William’s (formerly of the Civil Wars) new song, Woman (Oh Mama) and I really liked it.
We’ll show you when life begins
Oh mama, oh mama (Oh mama, oh mama)
I am the Universe wrapped in skinI am the moon in the midnight sky,
I am the secret you try to hide.Come, let me show you
I’m the moon, I’m the moon
A few weeks ago, I heard a story on NPR about an artist that creates coloring books for adults. I love to color and today would have been a perfect day for it. I’m picking up some new colored pencils, crayons and markers tomorrow, so I’ll be ready the next time I have the impulse. There’s something so relaxing about coloring. My mind becomes clear and quiet. It doesn’t hurt that the artist has created absolutely beautiful drawings.
Shakespeare in general, and Hamlet, specifically, has been on my mind lately. That’s where the title of this post comes from.
To die, to sleep.
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
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