
Friday, July 18, 2014 No tags Permalink

This made me laugh so hard. I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to figure out that I’m an introvert.  I’m not shy, and not at all uncomfortable talking to/with people. It’s just that sometimes I want to be left alone. I find most people draining after a period of time. Certainly not everyone, and some more than others. Most of you reading this already know about my odd work situation. I work with great people, we’re very close, and I basically get to do just about whatever I want. The downside is that my boss sits in my office for a good portion of the work day. Every day. Right across my desk from me, less than 5 feet away. I drives me crazy. He’s not making sure I’m working. On the contrary, he’s preventing me from working by constantly talking to me. I’ve been trying to basically ignore him or murmur a non-committal “uh-huh”. An uh-huh from a woman generally means STFU, but as was explained to me many years ago, such subtleties are lost on many men. By the end of the day I’m emotionally exhausted. I’m in dire need of recharging my batteries.


After a long week, I’m longing for the weekend and some time alone.   When asked about my weekend plans, I realize how weird it would sound to say that I’m looking forward to spending time alone.  Reading. Thinking. Just being. I love my own company. I think that makes me better company to others, when I do chose to be around them.  It’s an active choice. If I choose to be around someone, it’s because I enjoy his/her company, not because I don’t want to be alone.


I think that I’m getting closer to the place where I could actually be in a relationship. I still hear the word marriage and think “institution” and “committed” and wonder if people are speaking of insanity. Did you ever notice the similarities? Anyhow, I ask my fellow introverts how you find someone respectful of your introversion and need to recharge.

Now I’m going to enjoy some time by myself. I’m going out tomorrow night, but tonight it’s all me.

  • Sandy
    July 18, 2014

    Interesting post. You are most certainly an introvert and I realized that years ago. The funny thing is that I think I am too! I much prefer time alone with a good book. When we do go out, I am always thinking why did we make these plans! And trying to find of a way out of it. I even prefer to go to a coffee shop by myself. So nice to just sit quietly.

    • Lisa
      July 18, 2014

      Sandy, it’s a lot like this sometimes: (When plans are canceled on a homebody) “Aw, it’s okay, we’ll get together next time.”


  • Charlotte
    July 19, 2014

    I’ve always felt a little sorry for people who can’t stand to be alone. I relish my alone time! And I’m with you, some people just drain the life out of me with all their blathering. lol

    • Lisa
      July 19, 2014

      Agreed, Charlotte. There’s something almost sad about it. I completely relish my alone time. It refreshes me. I look forward to it!

  • Kathryn
    July 19, 2014

    I’m glad your boss is a nice guy. Otherwise he would sound kind of creepy. He’s probably just one of those people who hates to be alone. Either that, or he has a thing for you. Most likely both. 😉

    As to your question about finding someone respectful of your introversion: anyone worthy of you is going to respect who you are. Period. Hold out for that, and don’t settle for less. Not that I think you would! <3

  • Natasha Ramsey
    July 21, 2014

    I’m an extrovert, as far as I can tell/know, but after a day at work full of meetings that I’m often facilitating, I’m drained. On those days, (and admittedly, many others) I absolutely love my alone time…or quiet time where I can enjoy a glass of wine with a good book. I may be biased but I think people who know how to enjoy time alone are better balanced people and less needy overall.

  • Lisa
    July 21, 2014

    A glass of wine and a good book make a little slice of heaven for me.

    I’m with you on people who know how to spend time alone are better balanced. We all need that down time, whether we’re extroverts or introverts.

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