What’s What

Thursday, April 19, 2018 No tags Permalink

What I’m Reading: This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel I always email myself quotes I like from books that I’m reading. Another good reason to love my Kindle! Here’s one from this book that made me laugh:

“Missionary position was, as far as she could tell, like vanilla ice cream: purported to be boring and chosen only by passionless, unimaginative, exhausted people but really the best one. She liked to look at Penn’s face so close that it split into pieces like a modernist painting. She liked the length of his front pressed against the length of hers. She felt that people who needed to do it upside down and backward from behind—or who added candied bacon or smoked sea salt or pieces of raw cookies to their ice cream—were probably compensating for a product that was inferior to begin with.”

Just for the record, I actually like vanilla ice cream.  Really good, well-made, high-quality vanilla ice cream.  I also like tasty additions to said vanilla ice cream sometimes.  Life is all about variety, you know?  😉

What I’m Watching:  Howard’s End on Amazon streaming.I loved the book by E. M. Forster, and I loved the 1992 Merchant Ivory film starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson.  I’m a sucker for a well-written period piece with beautiful cinematography.

What I’m Listening To:  I like listening to Spotify and the Instrumental Study playlist is great!

What I’m Wearing:  A white blouse, navy pants, red flats, and a French blue Ines de la Fressange linen scarf. I am thinking Spring!

What I’m Eating:  A breakfast smoothie made with frozen blueberries, vanilla protein powder, collagen powder, half an avocado, some spinach, and some almond milk.  Yum!

What I’m Enjoying: The earlier sunrise this time of year. My bedroom windows face directly east and it’s so lovely to see the sun streaming in when I’m getting ready in the morning.

What I’m Smelling: Freshly ground french vanilla coffee beans.  I use locally roasted fresh beans for my coffee and grind them every day.  It makes a huge difference. I use a pretty cup and really take time to savor and enjoy my morning cup.  It’s important to take note and enjoy the small details in life.

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