Well said, sir. Well said. I have nothing profound to add to this. I just came across this line in a book that I’m reading and found it to be very worthy of sharing. I hope you find wonder in something each and every day.
The Cure for Anything
is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea
Lisa's bookshelf: read

by Dana Spiotta
Meh. I wanted to like this book, but it just fell completely flat for me. When I finished it, I was thinking, "is that it?". Simply disappointing. Good potential, but falls very short.

Lisa's bookshelf: read

by Dana Spiotta
Meh. I wanted to like this book, but it just fell completely flat for me. When I finished it, I was thinking, "is that it?". Simply disappointing. Good potential, but falls very short.

July 24, 2014
Watts is the best! We must always keep the wonder. It keeps us young.